Main Exhibition Sponsorship: The Art of Collage


As a valued sponsor contributing at the $1,000 level for a Main Gallery Exhibition Sponsorship, you will receive the following benefits:

Recognition: Your name, business name, and/or logo will be included on promotional materials for the exhibition and will be printed in vinyl for inclusion on the exhibition title wall in the gallery.

Social Media Mention: You/your company will be thanked and tagged in posts relative to the exhibition on our social media channels.

E-newsletter Highlight: You/your company will be mentioned as a sponsor in our e-newsletter in the weeks leading up to the exhibition. 

Free Gallery Membership: All Season 50 exhibition sponsors will receive a complimentary one year
membership to Second Street Gallery.

Private Tour of the Exhibition: You/your business will receive a private tour of the exhibition for up to 10 people. Benefit from the valuable insight and engaging perspective of a knowledgeable guide as you explore the artistic vision and technique embodied in the artwork. The tour will be led by the exhibition curator, exhibiting artist, or member of Second Street Gallery staff, based on availability.

Artwork Discounts*: As a special thank you, exhibition sponsors receive an exclusive 10% discount on artwork included in the exhibition. This is an incomparable opportunity to begin or expand your art collection while supporting the arts community. 

Dinner or Coffee with the Artist**: Sponsorship includes a special opportunity for dinner or coffee for up to two people with the exhibiting artist. This intimate gathering provides a wonderful platform to ask the artist about their inspiration, creative process, and any particular anecdotes related to the art on display. 

*Certain artworks may be exempt from this discount offer, based on the gallery’s arrangement with each individual exhibiting artist.

**Based on artist’s availability. Unfortunately, due to the travel schedules of some of our exhibiting, out-of-town artists, this will not be available for all exhibitions.

Anyone who purchases a Main Gallery exhibition sponsorship before January 1, 2024, will be listed as a gallery sponsor on our forthcoming sponsorship wall (to be unveiled in February 2024).

Read more about each our individual Season 50 exhibitions HERE.

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